Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Raising Monarch Butterflies

For the past few years, a friend of mine brings me monarch caterpillars. I enjoy watching the process of which they go through from caterpillars into beautiful butterflies. Here’s a little info about monarchs in case you don’t know:

“A monarch's life is a story of enormous transformation. They start as an egg, and within a few days they emerge as a ravenous caterpillar. After 10-14 days of munching away at milkweed leaves, the monarch forms a chrysalis. Over the next two weeks it undergoes a radical reorganization of its tissues, ultimately tearing free from its confinement as an adult monarch butterfly. If it hatched in the summer, it may live for another 2-5 weeks. In early fall, the final generation of monarchs has a special job: to migrate. This special generation may live up to 8 months…Monarch butterflies depend on milkweed plants. They lay their eggs on them because they are the only food the monarch caterpillars eat.”
This year she brought me four caterpillars. I got to watch the process of going from caterpillars to butterflies. Once they emerge from their crysalis, their wings stay wet for about 2 to 4 hours. That’s when I got the chance really watch them and even set one on my hand!

I have loved butterflies throughout my life, but more so after my accident. The reason being is because of the tremendous change they go through. It reminds me of the change I went through. To me, they are symbolic.

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