Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Another Visit to the Hospital

I thought it was time for an overdue update on what I’ve been up to. About 7 weeks ago I was admitted to the hospital for pneumonia in both lungs and an abscess in my left. During my 5 day stay they gave me IV fluids, multiple antibiotics, albumin and a unit of blood. I went home on oral antibiotics and was feeling much better.

Since coming home, I’ve been trying to minimize my activity level, so I don’t wear myself out. The weather has been nice outside lately, so I’ve been taking Brody for a walk and roll as much as possible. This is aside from going to all my Doctor appointments. So far since the hospital visit, I have seen my Pulmonologist, ENT, OB/GYN, Orthopedic Dr., Primary doctor and had a CT scan.

Earlier this week, my doctor wanted me to have a CT scan to make sure the pneumonia was clear. Even though I'm feeling much better, the results came back showing that I still have a small abscess in my left lung, so they put me back on antibiotics. Hopefully soon everything will clear up and I will be infection free. The last thing I want to keep talking about is my health!


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