Saturday, July 6, 2019

Tidying Up

I started becoming addicted to the show tidying up on Netflix. Here is the official description of it according to her website:
"When people lead busy lives, their homes sometimes become cluttered with things piling up over time. In this series, renowned tidying expert Marie Kondo tries to help folks declutter their homes -- and their lives. Whether she's helping a married couple with young children become more organized or showing a retired couple how to reclaim their space, Kondo assists her clients in clearing out the clutter and choosing joy in a series of inspiring home makeovers."

After watching this series, I decided to buy a couple of her books to help aid in my own process of decluttering my home. It’s not only helped me get some of my things decluttered, but it also freed up space. This helped make me feel better about how I was living. Before, I would either ignore things or just pass by and say to myself "I will organize that another time".

Here’s a video showing the amazing tips from Marie…


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