Saturday, November 16, 2019

Speaking Again

The other day I spoke at Hopkins high school to a class called Peer Insights. I’m partial to speaking to them because I love the concept. It’s designed to integrate people with disabilities and their peers that gives insight to all types of situations. I was a junior in high school when I took the class (after my accident). We went on field trips, had guest speakers and did a lot of fun activities. This was the 3rd time I spoke to this classroom; the last was in 2017.

During my speech, I shared my story and talked about the challenges I've been through and the obstacles I have overcome. I also spoke about how I continue to stay positive despite my situation and what I'm doing now. They had tons of questions and I showed them my vent and how I move my wheelchair. I only spoke for about ½ an hour, but it was enough time to get in everything I wanted to say.

It didn’t faze me that I hadn’t spoken in a couple years. I wasn’t nervous like I used to get when I first started speaking. I would like to get into doing it more often. I used to do a lot more speeches, especially when I was Ms. wheelchair Minnesota in 2011. Lately I haven’t really had the chance or the opportunity. Although now if asked, I would for sure accept the offer.


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