Sunday, November 10, 2019

Winter Weather

It’s that time of year again. We’ve had a few days already with just some snow flurries, but today was the first time that snow stuck to the ground. Although the temperature is supposed to rise again tomorrow so I’m sure it’s not going to stick around yet.

I have mentioned before, but it’s difficult to take Brody outside for a walk on days like this. I haven’t taken him out for a few days because of the temperatures. I do remember when I first got him that I could bear the weather a little better than nowadays. Now that I’ve been getting sick more often, I’ve been more cautious about going outside when it’s too cold.

I’m hoping that this year’s snow and cold doesn’t get too bad. Although I do live in Minnesota, so I expect it at some point. At least I’m able to get outside sometimes now as opposed to when the weather shifts below zero. Then I’ll have to resort to more indoor activities such as playing board games and watching movies.


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