Monday, November 25, 2019

Abilitech Assist

There is always new technology evolving for people with disabilities. I recently came across a device called the Abilitech Assist. It is the first "powered orthotic device with shoulder assist that is designed to support users' functional activities of daily living. Powered by springs and motors, the hybrid system is custom calibrated to allow for independent movement to lift objects weighing up to 12 ounces. The body vest, with integrated lumbar sacral support, makes the device feel weightless and allows for extended use."

By assisting flexion of the shoulder and elbow, it has the capability to make it easier for people with upper-limb weakness or injury to improve their movement. For example, lift a utensil or pop can up to their mouth. Recently someone from their company came out to my house to show me the device, hoping that it would work on me. Although I don’t have enough muscle movement for me to be able to use it.

The woman who came out told me they are working on other devices that would allow someone with my level to improve motor function. Here is a picture of the Abilitech Assist:


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