Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Overdue Update

It’s been a while since I’ve written an update. The biggest news is my accomplishments at ABLE. I know I’ve written quite a bit about it, but the exercises that I have been doing have helped me in big ways. I still do the same ones but have improved in length of time and structure. 

After hooking up the electrodes to my abs, obliques, lower back and between my shoulder blades, I’ve been able to successfully sit on the side of the mat by myself without help. The PTs that I work with just sit down and keep their hands close to me in case I start leaning over. It’s also helped me be able to sit forward in my wheelchair without help to get my back brace and my sweatshirt on and off. This also includes stretching my back.

To recap about what electrical muscle stimulation (E-stim) is, it can be used to help treat pain and heal injured, weak, or diseased muscles. Electrical currents may help improve blood flow and stimulate the muscle fibers or nerves. They also use it on my arm’s, and then move them simultaneously into bicep/tricep curls, along with forward reach and grasp (essentially moving my arms forward and then backwards.) 

They do each set for about 10 to 12 minutes at a time, then I take about a 3-5 minute break between each one for 1 hour. With my abdomen, the stim runs for an hour also, and then I move myself side to side and back and forth. On Wednesdays is when I do stim on my abs and then move myself side to side, and on Fridays I use a bicycle that moves my legs and then stim on my arms. 

Each session wears me out completely, and I usually need to take naps after. Then I get into bed earlier and go to sleep earlier. It’s a big workout for my body, especially being paralyzed from the neck down. I’m very lucky that I have feeling, and can tell which muscle I am using, tightening it to move the way I need to. It really helps with ABLE.

I’ve also been obsessed with writing poetry. So much so that writing my book and inserting posts on my blog have been put aside. I go on the website at least twice a day, finding topics from contests to write about. Sometimes, I feel guilty for not writing my book or my blog for so long, but I’ve been improving my writing skills a lot lately with writing my poems. I would like to publish a book with poems I’ve written in it. I have posted my most recent ones below.

For quite some time now, I’ve been having bad neck pain. Talking with my therapists and doctors, neither could locate the source of it. After dealing with it, I finally made an appointment with my neurosurgeon. Tuesday was one of the longest I’ve had as far as appointments go. I left my house at 12:30 PM and didn’t get home until almost 6 PM. First, I had an MRI then a CT scan, then saw my doctor. Since I can’t have anything metal on me for the MRI, the respiratory therapists there needed to change out my trach. Mine has metal in it; they also changed from my ventilator to an MRI safe vent.

It was a very uncomfortable and difficult time but needed to get done. The results were good and bad. Good in that they didn’t find anything that would cause any harm, like a bone spur or my bones to be digging into muscles. Although, bad because it didn’t explain why my neck is hurting. My doctor thinks it’s hurting from muscle or nerve pain, which is what I thought as well. It’s also a thought that my wheelchair needs to be adjusted and that may be the cause.

For now, I’ll continue to do as much adjusting as possible to avoid it. I’m grateful for ABLE as it has been helping with my balance and moving. I’m also glad that I came across the poetry website so I can increase my creativity in writing and use that while writing my book. Hopefully soon I will get back to my book and finally be able to share it with all of you. In due time!


Here are some recent poems I’ve written. Enjoy!

When Everett saw me

I was only gone for the day,

when I came home, Everett saw me,

he ran towards my footrest,

climbing his way onto my lap

Ever since that day happened,

he’s found his way up several times,

I don’t know how he can jump that high

but I was smiling ear to ear

There are many more moments,

in which my dog has made me happy,

but learning that he recognizes 

that his mom in a wheelchair, tops all

My Dog Everett

One ear up, one ear down

zooming around the yard

bouncing in the snow

with no place to go

Barking at the TV’s

and the squirrels in the trees

playing fetch with his toys

making all sorts of noise

Loves every dog he meets,

including the people he greets

if he could have his way

he would play all day

Everett is his name,

he likes to play all sorts of games,

a Chinese crested powderpuff

and he thinks he’s really tough

Oh, to fly

I wish I could fly like a butterfly,

soaring high into the open sky

with invisible fences around me

feeling the fresh air on my wings

I would fly to many places,

above the earth’s green grasses

go sailing in between the clouds,

dancing with the stars and sun

Since I can only imagine flying

I’ll close my eyes and think of

taking flight into the unfamiliar

finding a stick to land on to

the hot sun shines down

on a wild goose in water

soaking up its twin

Monday, February 12, 2024

Lack of Motivation

It is normal for people to experience a lack of motivation in life sometimes. However, when it becomes severe or chronic, it may indicate an underlying condition that could be serious. Loss of motivation can sometimes lead to burnout, depression, etc. I’m no expert when it comes to diagnosing others with symptoms and I especially can’t attest to which people experience it worldwide. Although, I can share my thoughts about my own motivation in life.

For me, it has to do with passion, interests, inspiration, progress, etc. Also, if I don’t feel up to doing something, I might be inclined to say “no” despite what the indication would be. If that happens a lot, I may not notice it and continue going down the same path. Although if others are willing to tell me, I go back and re-evaluate to see if there’s something I could be doing differently.

Another thing that’s worked to get/stay motivated is to go over the ways I have found in the past to keep me motivated. This includes all aspects of life, projects, relationships, etc. Some ways are to set small goals to build momentum and reward myself for the little things as well as the big ones. I’ve noticed this being the most helpful when I’m writing, whether it’s poetry or for my book. (Although I suppose it hasn't helped when it's come to writing blog posts!) I stay on one task, before going to the next.

I noticed that after my accident, when there were moments when things got tough, I would either keep a positive mindset or spiral down a path of unpleasant feelings. This also came with what was going on in my life at the time. School was a big one, and even to this day lack of independence makes things tough to deal with. Over time, I learned to only take on as much as I could handle, and not overwork myself.


Here are some of my latest poems from the last month or so:

Things Happen for a Reason

I’m at a crossroad in my journey knowing,

that the entrance to the tunnel is my only way out.

It might simply be chance that brought me here,

needing clarity in a moment of struggles.

Trying to make sure all my bases are covered,

because going backward is not an option.

As I walk down the path towards the entrance

thinking “how my life will change forever?”

After that day I never stopped to wonder

“What if I was able to go another direction?”

Realizing that “things happen for a reason,”

becoming paralyzed is the end of this equation.

Loss of Movement

My restless body stirs screaming out,

like a wanderer of burdensome shown

limbs once agile find themselves bound,

in realms where muscles falter and cease to dance

How my loss of motion brings my spirits low

in the silence of stillness my hope falters

within these confines a fire burns out

a flame once resilient that light up the dark

Whispering for the grace of movement

like gentle waves caressing the shore

though my limbs may be still my journey persists

for within still moments my strength rises

Red Wings in Winter

Beneath a tapestry of Minnesota skies

in the hush of winters icy cold woods

sitting on a branch of a snow-covered pine

a scarlet red cardinal spreads its wings

Painting a picture of a breathtaking scene

a symphony of movement from tree to tree

its wings flicker in the golden sunlight, 

feet that carve through the frigid air