Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Starting the Day

Is there a good way to start the day? Some people I know are slow to get going in the morning even after 8 to 10 hours of sleep at night. Seems more tied to attitude and ambition towards the day than actual lack of sleep but I could be incorrect. I wonder, is there a technique, method or trick to becoming one of those people who wake up and feel like getting up right away?

I’m probably not on the average level, since I end up taking sleep medications in order to stay asleep. Although it seems like those don’t even help all the time, when I have a night nurse coming in every hour or so either giving me medications, turning me from side to side or just checking in on me. Most times I end up taking a nap for at least 30 minutes a day in order to make it through without falling asleep randomly.

At night I usually fall asleep around 11 PM or so when I take two of my sleep meds. The other ones I take during the middle of the night in order to stay asleep. I have a scheduled routine where I wake up at a certain time every morning in order to get everything done that I need to.

It turns out to be rather unproductive since 8 or 9 hours are supposedly adequate and 10-12 seems like a poor habit. I don’t drink coffee, but I know that helps some people. Also, I’ve heard eating an apple is a very good way to wake up. But if they aren’t awake enough to eat the apple, we are back to square one.


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