Friday, October 18, 2019

Changing Pages

My blog turned 11 years old on October 13. I find it hard to believe I’ve been blogging that long. It’s been filled with great posts of all different genres. In fact, I keep a column on the right side in which I can attach categories to each post. That way if someone is trying to find something specific, they can just click on the category and get it that way. A favorite part about blogging is being able to share my life with others while helping them as well. Also, it acts as a diary for me, allowing me to get my feelings out.
Every day I think about how many people are impacted by me or what I have written. Ever since I started this blog, my goal has always been to inspire others and encourage people to go on despite their circumstances. Regardless of difficulties and challenges that everyone experiences, my purpose is to show that it is possible to work through them; to demonstrate that no matter what obstacles we may face in life, there is a way to overcome them. All one needs is a little positivity and faith to know that everything’s going to be okay.
I’ve kept a tracker on it so that I as well as others could see how many people see my blog, read my writings, and maybe have been inspired by what I’ve said. Over the years, I’ve done blog posts whenever my blog has hit a certain number of visitors. I wanted whoever visited to know they weren't the only ones reading what I had to say. My blog has made a significant amount of progress since the beginning. I can now say that I’ve reached over 380,000 page views to this day.


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