Sunday, March 17, 2013

Weekend Vacation…

Well, I'd like to update everyone on how I'm doing. I just got home from a weekend vacation stay at the hospital. Last week I was having some pretty intense migraines and also a rash on my abdomen. It got so bad Friday so I went in to the ER to get it checked out. They couldn't find what was wrong so they admitted me. It turns out I had a really bad infection that was causing everything. After a few days of pain meds and antibiotics, was discharged today. I came home from my vacation 100% better! I'm glad that I decided to go in to get checked out because I was contemplating just sticking it out. I plan on spending the rest of today and tomorrow relaxing and then going back to St. Thomas on Tuesday. It feels good to be home…



Unknown said...

Glad you're ok!

Anonymous said...

Glad you are back home and also glad you are able to call your stay in the hospital a weekend vacation! You have a sense of humor for sure!
Well wishes,

Kimberley said...

I'm glad you're feeling better! I know from experience that you can never be too careful when it comes to signs like rashes, migraines (was it AD or just migraines?) etc. Hopefully you'll be back to yourself very soon!