Friday, May 22, 2009

Update on My Wheelchair

I don't know if you remember, but about a month ago I wrote a post about my wheelchair not working again (you can click here to read my post). Well, it's still not working.

The company in California called New Abilities told me to send in the display box (the screen that I look at to see which mode I'm in). I did as they asked, they supposedly repaired it, and then sent it back. When I hooked it back up, my chair still wouldn't work with my tongue touches. Then they told me to send in the entire black power box hooked up on the back of my chair to about a dozen cords. Right, how was I supposed to disconnect the cords and be sure that I knew how to plug them back in again.

Because the black box is my main power supply to my wheelchair, I had to be sure that when they unplugged it, that I would still be able to have power in my chair. I ended up having to go to reliable medical; they are the place where I got my wheelchair. They unplugged all of the cords from the box and marked them so I would know how to plug them back in again. They were able to get power to my wheelchair without the box so I sent it in to California and it should have gotten there by today. Now it's probably going to take about another couple of weeks before they can repair whatever's wrong with that box and then send it back to me. I'm so frustrated with this chair thing. I am contemplating getting something else hooked up to use to drive my wheelchair.

I don't know if any of this makes sense to any of you. I'm confused myself. Probably because I can't see the back of wheelchair when I'm sitting in it.



  1. I completely understand and have been frustrated many times over wheelchair repairs... It's like these agencies have no sense of urgency sometimes. Good luck and hopefully it get resolved soon.

  2. have you thought about using a sip and puff? have you tried that before?

  3. I am so sorry that your chair is causing so much difficulty. Karly's chair is manual, and we still have frequent problems with it, so I can only imagine when you depend on your power chair for your independence and mobility, how limiting it is when it's not functioning. You have a very high tech chair Jenni. It's very impressive when it works!
