Looking back, I had no idea how my life would turn out after my accident. At the time I was so focused on surviving that I didn’t have time to think about it. Although my positivity about moving forward has helped in many ways. Big or small, I’ve experienced many ups and downs, good and bad times.
Today marks the 21st anniversary of my car accident. Marking the day of my anniversary has always been a celebration. It’s my way to commemorate living, grateful to be alive after what happened. That also involves the obstacles I’ve overcome throughout my journey, including milestones.
According to an article about milestones in SWnewsmedia.com, a milestone is “an action or event marking a significant change or stage in development.” Whether a milestone is “big” or “small,” depends on the meaning that’s attached to it. For example, milestones could be birthdays, achievements, anniversaries or even a baby’s first steps.
Why is it important to celebrate milestones? It’s good to note the growth, progress and accomplishments that can influence people’s lives. Milestones can be a sign of triumph over challenges and can contribute to developing healthy self-esteem.
Celebrating milestones isn’t just about having a party, it’s a way to show people that they matter and that their lives have meaning to others. How people celebrate milestones varies. You can even celebrate your own triumphs and milestones. Oprah Winfrey says, “The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate.”
In my case, it includes my anniversary, reminding me of the struggles I’ve overcome afterwords and along the way. Recognizing my milestones gives me a chance to look back and see what got me to this point in life. Another opportunity to think how, moving forward, I want to best serve the rest of my life.
I’m thankful to the people who have helped me throughout the way. This includes family, friends, nurses, hospital staff, etc.
What about you? What milestones are you celebrating?
Here’s a challenge: Take stock of the milestones you already celebrate along with some that you might want to add to your life. Why are these milestones important to you? How do you want to celebrate them and who will be included in your celebrations?
I am a big believer in milestones. When I was twenty years old my job was selling motivational programs that focused heavily on goal setting. 👏 Bravo.
ReplyDeleteWhat an awesome post Jenni! Love that you have chosen to celebrate life! You have taught all of us so much about attitude and living life on life's terms! Some milestones I like to celebrate are my sobriety date, low golf scores and of course my birthdays! Love you tons! auntie Sandy