Monday, December 26, 2022

Happy Holidays

This past week, I’ve been snowed in. I also had to cancel going to ABLE because of the weather. There was a huge blizzard Wednesday and Thursday along with cold temperatures. So, I’ve been hiding inside. The last time I went out when it was this cold, my tubes expanded and started popping off everywhere possible. Plus, since I have a humidifier connected to my ventilator that heats the air I breathe, it leaves moisture in my tubes. If the water drops get too cold, they form icicles!

Merry Christmas to all! Christmas Eve we were supposed to have my sister and her family over for dinner with a meal of prime rib. Although she hadn’t been feeling well for a few days and ended up testing positive for COVID. I felt so bad. Especially because Christmas is a time for gathering. My mom, Sandy, and I ate grilled cheese and tomato soup. A first for Christmas Eve dinner!

Midafternoon on Christmas day Kristen’s boyfriend, Anthony, brought my 2 nieces over to unwrap some presents. Kristen hopped on video using my mom’s echo show and was able to watch. Good thing for technology these days. Later, for dinner we ate lasagna with my other aunt Julie, her husband Pat from Duluth, and my grandma and grandpa. It was a nice weekend visiting family and celebrating Christmas.

Today, I played a couple rounds of yahtzee with my niece (I got her the game for Christmas.) She caught on quickly; I haven’t played in a long time. We did have the meal that we were going to have Christmas Eve, only my sister still wasn’t feeling well. I am hoping she feels better soon, and we can all be together. For now, I plan on going to ABLE this week, since the temperatures are going to be in the 30’s.

I hope all of you had a lovely holiday.


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