Saturday, September 4, 2021

MRI Results

I had an MRI of my left knee a week from Thursday. My orthopedic surgeon video called me with the results a couple days ago. He showed me the MRI and explained to me what the results showed, what it implied, and how to move on from here. I also received results through My Chart, a device used to talk with physicians and review test results. 

When I received the results through My Chart, it’s always difficult to interpret unless someone explains it to you. Although this is what I saw on the test results page:

IMPRESSION TECHNIQUE: Routine MRI of the left knee was performed without contrast.


1. New bone infarct in the proximal mid tibial metaphysis.

2. New mild subchondral marrow edema in the posterior aspect of the medial tibial plateau without subchondral fracture may represent stress reaction or osseous contusion.

3. No MR evidence for acute meniscal or ligament tear.

4. Stable free edge fraying versus partial tearing of the inner third of the posterior horn lateral meniscus extending into the posterior meniscal root.

5. Diffuse acute and chronic denervation changes of the visualized muscles of the lower leg.

The way my doctor described it, was that I have a proximal mid tibial metaphysis. In other words, a stress fracture on the posterior side of my left tibia. My doctor suggested that my leg should stay at a 45° angle or less than, straight being the best and 90° being the worst position. I went to ABLE yesterday and discussed my situation with them in a very lengthy conversation on how to proceed from here.

At the end of the discussion, we decided that it would be more ideal that I take the next 6-7 weeks off from the program (starting this coming week). Since my doctor told me that it would take at least six weeks for the fracture to heal, I found it most ideal to take at least this amount of time off. Also, since my doctor has suggested that I stay at a specific knee angle for the next 6-7 weeks, it would be difficult to transport to and from my appointments. Ultimately because getting in/out of the van I am required to bring my knees in to a 90-degree angle which my doctor has suggested to avoid. 

I felt that it is best to focus on healing for now and plan to return when I am ready, and my fracture is all healed. I did have a few questions for some of the people at ABLE regarding my return. I was wondering when I returned what my schedule would be and if I would still have the same lead person that I was working with. He explained that since I’m technically taking a medical leave, that I wouldn’t lose my spot in the program, and they would most likely keep me placed with the same people.

This was great news to hear! Hopefully I heal fast and have a speedy recovery rate with no to little side effects. I’m sad to have to take time off because I’ve made so much progress. Although even if I lose some of the strength and improvements I’ve gained, I’m positive that I will quickly get it back quickly since I haven’t lost the ability to know which muscles to use in order to move. 

Also, at some point, my doctor wants me to get x-rays of my right leg. A while back while doing ABLE, I felt like I injured my right leg, almost exactly where I injured it before. While lying flat, my leg won’t straighten completely and rotates out words. After I explained it, he thinks that it’s not too big of a deal, but still wants it checked out just to make sure.


1 comment:

  1. Well now you know what is wrong with the left leg/knee. It’s unfortunate that you couldn’t get the right one examined as well at the same time. You have the ability to heal fast and you are very disciplinedwhen you know what needs to be done!
