Thursday, March 25, 2021

Past Pets and Moves

When I was born, my parents had a Springer Spaniel named Corky. Unfortunately, when I was a year or 2 old, he was in a car accident. It led to some complications later, and he ultimately passed away. I don’t remember much about him; I just have pictures of him and me when I was a baby. He was my first introduction to dogs. My parents also had a couple of hermit crabs that lived on the kitchen table. That was when we lived in Grand Forks, North Dakota.

We moved to Minnesota in 1993 into a duplex, when I was 7 years old. I started school here going into 2nd grade. About a year later we moved a couple blocks away into a house. That's when the pets started to come in the picture. I was in 3rd grade and 9 years old, when we got a cat and named him fluffy. We also got a lop-eared bunny rabbit we named Bo (short for Bojangles). I remember that both me and my sister had gerbils that we kept in our rooms. Mine was named snowy and it was albino (white), and my sisters was named stormy (Brown).


When I was in third grade, my parents got a divorce. My mom, sister and I lived there for another year and when I was going into 4th grade we moved into apartment. Unfortunately, they didn’t allow bigger animals, so we had to give both our cat and rabbit away before moving. Also, at that point my gerbil had died but my sisters was still alive, so he moved with us. While living in the apartment, we had a painted turtle that we named lightning. Both of us each had one hermit crab with painted shells as well. The turtle and crabs didn’t last very long.


We lived there for 1 ½ and then moved into a duplex. Although we wanted other animals at first, my sister and I settled for a beta fish, one for each of us. Then, my sister got another lop-eared bunny rabbit that she named Isabel (Izzy for short). At age 10, I got a ferret that I named Neke and I had him until he died at the age of 8. My accident was when I was 16 years old, and while I was in the hospital my mom and sister moved into a townhouse, one that was listed as handicapped accessible. I remember them bringing Neke to visit me while I was doing my rehab therapy at the hospital.

Rio (yellow) and Cole (gray)
In the beginning of 2005, we moved into the house that I live in now. It’s been completely remodeled to my every need. While living here so far., we’ve had 3 parakeets (first was Dakota; after him came Cole and Rio) and 2 cats (Ty and Toby) all of which passed at some point. Then, in September 2012, I got my dog Brody at 9 months. On December 20, he turned 9 years old and has been my buddy ever since. Every animal that we’ve had, I’ve learned responsibility, gained more compassion, and felt the love in return. I’m sure in the future there will be more pets and possible moves to come.

Toby and Ty



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