Monday, July 6, 2020

Butterflies and Birds

A few weeks ago, my friend brought me three monarch caterpillars. I got to watch the process of them going from caterpillars into butterflies. This is the fourth year in a row that I had the privilege to do so. They all spun on the same day and came out on the same day (15 days). After they come out of their crysalis, their wings stay wet for a couple hours. That’s when I was able to put one on my hand upon release!

As caterpillars

Also, on the topic of nature, there is a robin’s nest on the side of my house. The mom leaves almost every time I go past it. I was able to see them when they were eggs and then right after they all hatched (through pictures). It will be fun to watch them as they get bigger and eventually fly away.


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