Saturday, February 22, 2020

Think about It "Re-Post"

I’m re-posting a post that I made over 10 years ago that created a lot of buzz in the comment area. I think it’s one of my most controversial posts because of the extensive questions I asked. It was a way to get people thinking, and I did ask to comment on it with thoughts or reactions. I also shared a couple of the most interesting comments people wrote to me along with a comment I made.

I called this post “Think about It” because I'm going to ask a bunch of real-life questions and I just want people to ponder for a moment. Something that I wonder is what you would do if you were in my situation. Everyone deals with situations and handles things differently. For those of you who have not gone through this ordeal, how would you react to all of the sudden waking up and finding out you were paralyzed? What sort of things would go through your mind? How would you handle it? I know it's hard to imagine unless you are actually in that situation, although try to put yourself there.

For those of you who have gone through a situation like mine, I ask some similar questions. This time they would be in the form of how you felt when you learned you were paralyzed. What were your reactions? How did you handle it since first hearing of what happened?

Now I want you to imagine a different scenario. What if you knew you were going to become paralyzed before it happened? Again, how would you handle the news? More interestingly how would you prepare? What things would you do before it happened? I asked these questions because I knew someone who had a tumor on his spinal cord. In order to remove it, it would paralyze him.

It is a very different situation. In my case I just woke up and found out. I didn't get a chance to prepare or figure out what things I would do beforehand. Then again, I don't know which would be better. It's a lot to think about and imagine.

Anonymous said...

It really is an impossible thing to imagine. I can't even begin to comprehend all the little things I take for granted that being paralyzed would prevent. As an example, I have a bad lower back. Every once in a while, I'll tweak it in such a way that it's not just painful but it literally limits my ability to do simple things, like stand up normally, pick something up, walk (without a slow hobble) etc. It goes away in maybe a week, gradually getting better after a few days. But every now and then while it's hurt, I'll kind of forget that it's hurt and go to do something "normal" and ARGH!?! At that point I realize something I've taken for granted.

Matt said…

I think we can think as long and hard about this as we like, but we won't know how it would affect us unless it actually happens. Personally, having a spinal cord injury has not exactly been one of my greatest fears, as it probably won't happen and has never happened to anyone I know, but it has been one of the things I imagined would distress me the most; besides the loss of independence (assuming it was as at as high a level as yours).

I would certainly be making preparations, such as adapting my home or looking for a suitable alternative; if I could afford to, I'd be making sure I did things I wanted to do and went places I wanted to go while I still could, and meeting old friends and family that I hadn't seen in a while. I do love walking in the hills, and I would make sure I did plenty of that, and not just looking at them from the car window!

Below I posted my response to these comments…

Definitely true about people taking for granted what they have. That's one reason I did this post. If it hadn't happened to me, I don't think I could imagine what it would be like or how I would deal with it. I had a hard enough time figuring that out when it happened. I'd love to read more comments on what people's thoughts are again. Please feel free to leave a comment.


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