Friday, January 3, 2020

Mouth Painting

My niece, Avery is very kind and enjoys spending time with me. She likes to play with her American girl doll. My aunt, Sandy got her a wheelchair for her doll a few months ago. For Christmas I got her a Barbie in a wheelchair. I had no idea there are so many toys these days for all types of situations. I’m glad that there are options like this out there. That way people and children can have a better perspective about those with disabilities throughout life.

One thing she likes to do is create houses out of boxes. She tapes them together and then paints them. About a week ago she was over creating one of her houses. My mom happened to glance over and saw her painting her box with her mouth. She asked how she knew how to do that, and she said, "from Jenni!" Of course, my mom knew she had to get a picture to capture the moment.

I thought it was very creative and touching at the same time. That’s when I knew it had to be shared with everyone. I know from experience by speaking to children to befriend those with disabilities and treat them the way they would want to be treated. Growing up around me has taught these exact things.


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