Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Infection Update

Just an update on my infection. My doctor called me today after getting the results back from my blood draw yesterday. Everything’s all cleared up and my levels are normal. I’m hoping that I’ll have another bout of months before getting another one. I say that loosely because I’m prone to them, and since I always have Pseudomonas in my lungs, it’s just a matter of time when it turns into an infection.

Today I got my PICC line pulled. A company just comes to my house to get it done. Also, I spoke with my doctor about a plan for next time I get an infection. Instead of getting another line placed, I’m going to get an Infusion Port placed. It’s a small medical device that is installed just below the clavicle. It stays in under the skin and can be accessed whenever needed. Basically, if I need frequent blood draws or IV medicines, they can use the Port to easily get directly into my vein.


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