Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Sick with Hope

I thought that after everything I went through last year I'd be in the clear as far as sickness goes this year. Well, I was wrong. Unfortunately I found out last week that I have pneumonia again. I started suctioning up green and red secretions, similar to early December when I was hospitalized along with the other times last year in which I was sick. Luckily I caught it early enough that I didn't land in the hospital.

The bad part is that it's resistant to many of the medications and nebulizers that I usually take to get rid of it. Monday I had to have a PICC line put in place to administer medications at home. I had to have this done last summer as well so at least I’m familiar with it. I feel like I’m just starting the whole process over again.

Even though I’m just updating everyone, it feels like most of my posts have something to do with an illness. Due to the fact that it's winter, I’ve been having infections and it’s harder for me to get outside, I try to think of the best possible ways to keep busy aside from just watching TV. One thing that I really enjoy doing is playing games. I like all types including card, board and strategy games.

Now hopefully things start clearing up and I stay in the uphill as far as infections go. My goal is to continue to remain positive and allow myself to recover throughout these times of struggle. Please keep me in your thoughts as I continue my journey. Thank you for your support.



  1. Bummer. I hope you feel better soon!!!

  2. Hi Jenni, sorry to hear about the Pneumonia. Sending you Healing Energy & Prayers.

  3. Hello,
    I just read your last 3 posts and am so happy to hear from you. I am sorry you have been through so much in the past year and are starting this year out sick but keep positive and take one day at a time! You give many others hope. I pray you heal from the pneumonia quickly.

  4. I was googling my "happy places" and wondered how you were. Missed no new posts for ages it seemed. So happy to hear that you are working hard to stay strong. And to share with us who read your blogs your life so we can lend our silent support and learn at the same time.
