Thursday, February 28, 2013

The Month of February

February has completely gotten away from me.  I started classes at the University of St. Thomas on the fourth.  It has been an enlightening experience so far.  I love my classes and teachers.  I’m taking Public Communications and Mass Communications Research Methods.  They are both required within my major, which is Communications and Journalism.  I’m very excited happy that I chose such a great school. The campus is gorgeous and I look forward to going there every day.  Although the schedule was a challenge at first, I’m getting better at managing it.  I go to class Monday through Thursday; I’m not used to being out that much.  However, it’s definitely getting me prepared for having a job in the future.

The hardest part so far has been transportation.  I take a bus service called Metro mobility.  It’s a rideshare program where you call and set up your rides, stating what time you’d like to be picked up at and need to be there by.  They determine based on what other people have scheduled what fits best with each driver.  Unfortunately, a computer does all the work and doesn’t calculate loading and unloading or waiting for passengers.  They are on a tight schedule and it makes it hard to ride with them.  The only good thing is that I can get bus tickets through the state which means I don’t have to pay for them. They charge four dollars for peak time (6-9 AM and 3-6 PM) and three dollars for nonpeak.

Since I’m gone at school four days out of the week, it doesn’t leave much time for other appointments or homework.  Hence the reason I haven’t been able to do any blog posts lately.  (I’ve been working on this one for a while now!) Nursing has gotten a little better.  We hired two nurses, one full-time and one part-time however, there are still some holes in the schedule.  Aside from that, a few other people have been willing to fill in on open shift days.  That’s always nice, especially because we get more back up that way.  Although, that also means I’m busy that day training in the new ones.

This is only the beginning of my blog post… Stay tuned in the next couple days for the other half.


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