Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Busy, busy, busy!

I have two finals this week for my logic class and a quiz for short stories. I've also been extremely busy getting ready for the Ms. Wheelchair Minnesota 2012 pageant coming up April 2. I created a brochure for the event which has taken up all my time. I'm finally just about finished so that's good.

For the past two weeks I've had this bump in my gum that hurts. I went to the dentist yesterday and found out I have to have a root canal. I probably will be doing that sometime next week.

It's been fairly nice outside so I've been sitting in the sun a lot. I think I'm starting to get a tan already! Spring definitely came early this year in Minnesota; everything's turning green and budding. There's close to 100 ducks in the marsh in my backyard. It's so much fun to watch them.

I'll give you more updates once things settle down and have done with my finals.


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