Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Spring Break

I have this week off of school for spring break. It feels really good to have some time to do things other than homework. I wish I was going on vacation somewhere warm though. I had a dentist appointment yesterday and everything checked out okay. No cavities and my gums have healed nicely from when they took my wisdom teeth out.

Today I went and had a renal ultrasound done on my kidneys and bladder at the Gillette hospital. Since I'm prone to bladder stones (and have had two in the past), I have to get an ultrasound every year. After that appointment I took the shuttle down the street a couple miles to the Gillette clinic to see the urologist. Needless to say it was a long day; I left my house at 10 AM and didn't get home till 5 PM. After seven hours of being out and about I'm ready for some well needed sleep.

Hopefully sometime this week I can get out and go shopping or something fun besides appointments.


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