Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Rest in Peace Ty

So I have some bad news. My cat Ty got outside on Friday and then went missing for a couple of days. That's unusual for him to be gone that long. We searched and searched but couldn't find him. Finally Sunday evening one of my nurses was driving home from her shift and spotted him on the side of the road not too far from my house. We're not quite sure how he died but we think an animal got him. There are coyotes and foxes in the woods behind our house. Plus owls and hawks fly around at night.

It's really unfortunate though, he was a great cat. There will never be another one quite like him. He had such a personality and was so friendly. When we would talk to him he would meow back and he would lay down and bow his head for a treat. He would greet people at the door hoping to narrowly escape to the outside. It was hard to keep him inside because he loved to be out. He would roll around on the driveway and get all dirty, and then he would lie in the grass keeping watch. Even though he didn't have any front claws he was an excellent mouse catcher. Sometimes he would just play with them and other times he would bring them to the door as presents. We're really going to miss Ty.

Has anyone else lost any pets close to them?



  1. I'm so sorry about Ty. I've lost a few cats. It sounds like you gave him a wonderful, loving home.

    Take care,

  2. Pets become one of the family. It is difficult to lose them but the happiness they bring is a gift. I have lost a few pets in my day. It's never easy. My suggestion is to wait a little bit...mourn the loss. When the time is right, maybe you will decide to get another pet. Prayers.

  3. When I was 17 we put our family dog down. I want to say she was 15 so it's not like she was a young pup. But her health deteriorated fast so it still felt like a shock.

    It took awhile to get used to the QUIET in the house. No more barking, no more nails clicking, no more whining. It's definitely like a family member is missing.

    I'm so sorry for your loss =-(
