Tuesday, March 23, 2010

A Kind Word

Too often we
underestimate the
power of a touch,
a smile, a kind word,
a listening ear,
an honest compliment,
or the smallest act
of caring, all of which
have the potential
to turn a life around.
-Leo Buscaglia

I have this book that has poems and quotes in it and I was reading it this morning. I really love to read other people's words, especially if they are encouraging or inspiring. I came across this poem and ended up reading it over a couple of times before moving on to the next. After I was done reading others in the book, I went back to it to read it again. The words are so simple yet so powerful and true. There are many people out there who are struggling or just having a bad day and it seems that just the littlest thing could help change the outcome. A friendly smile to a stranger or a compliment to someone close to you might just be all it takes.


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