Tuesday, January 12, 2010

First Day of Class

Today was the first day of my Psychology of Religion class. I think I'm going to enjoy it. My teacher is awesome; he is very laid back and personable. The class itself is very interesting and will challenge me to think and ponder on questions that I wouldn't normally. I'll let you know more about it once I have more classes.

If you remember from my last post about my classes, I had said that I signed up for mass communications online. I decided to drop that class because I felt like the workload would be too much at this time. I'm probably going to take it online during summer session by itself, without any other classes.



  1. That does sound pretty interesting especially when compared to math communications....zzzzzz And this coming from a math girl. lol Have fun

  2. You look beautiful. Talk to you this weekend :)

  3. Yeah ... what Steph said is what I thought as well.
