Thursday, December 10, 2009

Oh Christmas Tree...

We got a Christmas tree last week. It's about 9 feet tall and extremely full. My mom just got done decorating it on Sunday. She wrapped gold ribbon and white lights around it. She also hung glass balls on it. Well, something happened early Monday morning at about 3 AM. My nurse heard a huge crash upstairs. Turns out, Toby, one of my cats knocked the whole Christmas tree over. He must've been trying to climb it or something. Water went everywhere along with hundreds of pine needles. He broke eight bulbs and the tree stand. Needless to say, it was a mess. My mom cleaned it all up, bought a new tree stand, and re-decorated the tree.

All day Monday he was crouching down like he knew he did something wrong. He wouldn't even go upstairs because he was so scared. On Tuesday, I brought him upstairs in the elevator on my lap to try to help him get over his fears. Kitty therapy I called it. After I sat there for a while he jumped off my lap and started scoping things out. I think I cured him. He's not scared anymore! The bad thing is now he won't stop hanging around the tree. My mom's not very happy about my therapy session.



  1. Haha cat therapy! Way to go Jen, mom isn't too happy about this one :)

    I still love you though! Kris

  2. Haha cat therapy! Perhaps there's a cat whisperer in the future? You might even get your own show!

  3. Sounds like a story you will all be laughing about in the years to come. Ahhhh, Christmas memories.... aren't they Grand! LOL! Merry Christmas!!!
