Hello everyone.
On the way to school today I shared my story with the bus driver. I told him about my accident, talked about my passion of being a motivational speaker, and shared other personal information to him. When I got off the bus to go into the school, he told me that I had been an inspiration to him today. It always feels good to hear those words. When I got inside the door I stopped at a table to look at some pictures of some people who had studied abroad in Italy. What I thought was interesting was that I ended up sharing my story again to the two people sitting behind the table. They were very nice and asked many questions, which I was happy to answer. Before I left, the woman told me thank you for sharing my story and wished me luck. She told me it was nice to hear what I had to say. These moments are why I keep going.
I don't mind sharing my story with others. Actually, I quite enjoy answering any questions they have to ask even if they're personal and hearing their comments and reactions. I would rather have people ask questions than stare and wonder. One of my goals in life is to inspire as many people as possible. For all of you regular readers, I encourage you to pass my blog onto others so that I can fulfill my goal.
"Imagine... Here you are, on the high peak of a mountain. You can choose to wing your way toward the clouds, or you can simply walk the usual, ordinary paths that lead to the valley below. Which choice will you make-the well-worn paths or rising above it all? Beautiful things await you if you can reach the heights."
-George Sand
just want to say that I am proud of you. oh, and I miss u...and love u! :)school sucks.