Sunday, December 7, 2008

Inspired by Love

I would only share the best of the best sites and blogs with my readers. This blog that I'm about to share is very close to me. The writer is Karly, and she is the most intelligent, beautiful, sensational, amazing, and wonderful person I have come across. Her intellect is higher than most that I have known, and I believe she could be very famous someday with her writings. She is also a composer of eight songs via piano, which actually take her a whole year to finish. Her story will touch you and her smarts and wits will keep you interested to the end.

Her thoughts are similar to mine, in that we feel the same way on a lot of levels. Karly has Rett syndrome; she is nonverbal and legally blind. Despite her disability, Karly has beat all odds and has become in my opinion the light of many. Her blog, inspired by love, shares her opinions about what it's like for her living with a disability and also stories of moments that she has come across. I encourage you to be a frequent visitor on Karly's blog, and shower her with love and respect for the person that she is. We have become great friends through e-mail and hope to meet some day.


"All your life you are told the things you cannot do. All your life they will say you're not good enough or strong enough or talented enough; they will say you're the wrong height or the wrong weight or the wrong type to play this or be this or achieve this. THEY WILL TELL YOU NO, a thousand times no, until the no's becomes meaningless. All your life they will tell you no, quite firmly and very quickly. AND YOU WILL TELL THEM YES."
-Nike ad


  1. Yes, this is indeed an inspiring blog. She has encouraged me to see my daughter in a different light. You see my daughter also has Rett Syndrome and she is only three. Reading Karly's words are amazing to me. Thank you for sharing Karly's words with everyone.
    Kelly, Brooklyn's mommy

  2. Hi Jennie,
    I am so honored by your post. Your words encourage me to keep sharing my experiences. I have found that those of us who live with extra challenges in this life can relate to each other. Most of us live our lives in the isolation of our own homes, so to have you share your story or mine helps us to be less alone. I really look forward to meeting you.


  3. Karly has truly become one of my greatest heroes! She is the most amazing and inspiring person! I applaud and thank both you and Karly for sharing your gifts with the world!

  4. i came to your blog from Karly's blog! i applaude both of you for making the best life yet for yourselves and others. Karly is my neice and I'm very proud of her. I'm also inspired by you..keep reaching and trying and is a process and beautiful journey.
