I came across this amazing website called freerice.com. The website consists of multiple choice questions of different subjects that one can answer. For every correct answer, they "...donate 20 grains of rice through the UN World Food Program to help end hunger." I am now officially addicted to answering these questions and watching this bowl fill up with rice knowing that I am making a difference. Click here to visit this website and help end hunger. I have also added the link below under Other Blogs and Sites of Interest. You should also check out the other links that I have posted in that location. If they are of interest to me, they may be to you as well.
How cool! where did you find such a fun site? I might get addicted too. :) hope all is well....J term is coming up, so I will have some time when I'm not working to come hang out!!! Dec. 15 to Feb 2nd I think it is...YAY! I miss you. Have a good evenin jen!