Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Writing My Memoir

I’ve always thought about writing a memoir about what happened to me and my journey throughout life, especially since I love to write. It would also create connections and hopefully bring joy along with inspiration to others. I already have many ideas and have even started organizing chapters. I know it takes a lot of time, effort, dedication and skill to write a memoir. Although I have a lot of time, since I’ve been waiting for my knee to heal before going back to ABLE. Also, I have a whole blog full of posts in which I can use for ideas and inspiration.

I’ve been researching online about how to write a book and get it published. I have also been contacting people I know that have written books and memoirs to see how they went through the process. At first, I thought of using a ghostwriter. This entails having someone else write it for me. They would interview me for 3 to 5 hours, gather as much information as they possibly could and then write a first draft. After, I would read it and add or take out anything I didn’t want in.

There are some pros and cons to using a ghostwriter. If I was in the position where I have been wanting to write a book but just haven’t been able to get it done, then I’d consider using a ghostwriter. They can turn my ideas into a publishable draft if I was at the point that writing it on my own was not going to happen. It also saves time, because they can get it written within 4-6 months. 

However, since I’m just beginning the process, I’m not at that point right now. I’ve read that there are some downsides to going this route. I saw that there could be a fair amount of plagiarism. Plus, nobody knows my story like I do. Even if they interview me, the book may come out being something different than I want it to or expected to be.

I’m not sure how long it will take, but I’m hoping that by using my time wisely and slowly working on it, bit by bit that soon enough a first draft will be created. Then with the help of an editor to put it together in a way that makes sense, a final draft will be completed. I’m not sure how many chapters I’m going to write yet. Some people have told me that the shorter the book, the better the read. Others said to just write your story and whatever comes out will be great.

Please feel free to comment if you have any suggestions or ideas for me. Remember, when you make a comment, it’s not going to show up right away. I need to moderate and accept it beforehand. I would appreciate any feedback. Thanks!


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