Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Life As a Quad VI: Anything Is Possible

After sustaining a C-1 C-2 spinal cord injury, I have always had a positive outlook on life despite what happened to me. The idiomatic saying "anything is possible" means we cannot predict with any degree of certainty what will happen. Also saying "anything possible" is a way of responding to someone who makes a conjecture about what s/he wants to happen, but which is not a guaranteed outcome. Thus, I think that things happen for a reason and that we have the power to choose how we want to live certain aspects of our life.

Before my accident, I was a typical, active teen teenager living my life to the fullest. I played sports, hung out with friends, and enjoyed going places. I try to uphold a connection on a spiritual and physical level with the things that are achievable, even though not all my physical activities are within reach today. This also means having a good attitude, great expectations and the belief that “anything is possible”.

Even though the road to recovery can be long, it’s important to remember that there are people supporting me along the way and that I can do it if I have the strength to believe it. Life as a quadriplegic paralyzed from the neck down does have its challenges, although I feel like there are no limits to what someone with this injury can do. This is especially true to today’s technology and the improvements that are being made every day.

I have managed to live with my injury despite how challenging, frustrating, and life changing it can be at any given time. It is shown that people with a high-level SCI like mine cannot only interrupt one’s body, but also daily activities, important occupations, and entire lifelong plans. Despite feeling helpless in the beginning, I’m glad to be alive and take every moment for granted. 


“When you have an ability to adapt and overcome, clarity about what you want in life, purposeful persistence and a “make it happen” mentality anything is possible.” - Anonymous

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