Friday, February 5, 2021

Standing at 90° Again

Almost 3 weeks ago, I got a cortisone shot in my left knee to help with the pain after injuring it again. I had gotten one before when I first injured it 2 years ago, but it didn’t help. I thought I’d try it another time to see if it would work. My doctor told me it would take about 2 weeks were to take effect; but I felt relief after one week. Recently, the pain started coming back, but only when my leg gets twisted a certain way or if my knee is touched in a certain spot.

When I saw the orthopedic knee doctor to get the cortisone shot, I asked him about standing. It’s been over 2 ½ years since I’ve stood in my wheelchair, all because of my knees. He said he doesn’t see a reason why I shouldn’t be able to stand, unless I was in a lot of pain while standing. I was under the impression by the previous orthopedic doctor that I saw that I shouldn’t stand. To me, this was great news!

A few days ago, I tried standing. Within the first 2 minutes, I made it all the way up to 90° for 30 minutes. This is amazing news, considering I’ve been holding off on the off chance that something could happen to one of my knees while standing. Even better, I have been standing every day since for 30 minutes since. I check my blood pressure about every 5-10 minutes just to make sure it’s not dropping.

There are a lot of benefits to standing for someone with a spinal cord injury, especially in my situation with such a high-level injury. Standing is the ultimate pressure relief because it helps prevent pressure sores and promote skin growth. It also stretches hamstrings and other muscles which results in less muscle spasms. It helps with stabilizing blood pressure, reduces extra fluid in the body, bowel and bladder function, increases overall well-being and enhances quality of life.

Although it gives you more stamina and aids in better sleep, for me it’s like doing a full workout, so it wears me out and I can get really tired. I’m definitely going to continue trying to stand every day for at least 30 minutes. I’m glad that I decided to try it again!


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