Saturday, December 19, 2020

Journal History II

In 2012, I created a new series on my blog based off journal entries from my CaringBridge website that I started after my accident. The first post shared entries from November 5-17th. I thought I would write another post continuing from the last. This one starts November 17th and ends with December 3. If you want to read the first blog post in this series called Journal History I, click here.

Sunday, November 17, 2002 at 09:36 AM (CST)

We would like to devote this journal entry to educate you about Jenni's injury and present physical condition. Jenni suffered a compression injury to her neck, specifically her spinal cord in her cervical vertibrae, (C1-C2), at the base of her neck. As a result of this injury, she does not have voluntary control of any muscles below this point, including her diaphram. She is on a ventilator to provide her breathing. Above the point of injury, she is completely functional with the exception of her voice. The ventilator tube enters her trachea below her vocal cords. 

Eventually she will learn to pass air across her vocal cords allowing her to speak with sound. At this time there is nothing surgically or medically available to repair spinal cord damage. None, partial or full regeneration of the nerve cells may happen, but only time will tell. You can learn more about her type of injury by visiting We hope to move Jenni from HCMC Peds ICU to Gillette Children's Hospital in St Paul for rehabilitation as soon as we get the ok. 

Tuesday, November 19, 2002 at 11:09 AM (CST)

We wanted to keep Sunday's journal as current for a couple of days to provide you with an overview of Jenni's injury and physical condition. We hope someday we will be able to make a point changes to that entry. If you have not seen the entry, click on past journal entries to read it. 

The Hospital Staff and Family are busy preparing Jenni for her transfer to Gillette Children's Hospital. It is still unknown when that will happen, but we are hoping for later this week. Today the OT's will get Jenni in a chair again. It is important her body learns to adjust to a more upright position. All in all she is in good spirits, herself looking forward to the move.

Again we thank everyone for all you have done. We cannot get through this without the tremendous support you have given. "Together". God Bless.

Wednesday, November 20, 2002 at 07:49 AM (CST)

Good morning. A couple of things happened with Jenni yesterday. She got to sit in a chair again..a full half hour! Today she is scheduled to sit again, only this time she may go "mobile" and get to see out a window. 

Jenni also received her long- awaited new trachea tube. This one is much smaller and much more comfortable for her. A speaking valve was temporarily installed, and she worked her vocal cords for about 15 minutes. It was nice to hear her sweet voice. 

Today is packing day for the family room. We are scheduled to move to Gillette on Thursday morning. 

Thursday, November 21, 2002 at 07:41 AM (CST)

Moving Day! This morning Jenni will be transferred from Hennipen County Medical Center to Gillette Children's Hospital in St Paul. Gillette is on the 4th floor of Regions Hospital. Today we will be busy learning more about the Hospital, the routines, parking, visitor hours, and meeting new people.

At this time we do not know the room Jenni will be in, a phone number, or when visiting hours are. Please allow us a couple of days to get settled before visiting. We will let you know the details of visitation, etc on Friday.

Thank you again for helping us through the last 3 weeks at HCMC ICU. We know we have a very long road ahead, but knowing you are all "Together" with us, we feel strong enough to make the journey.

Friday, November 22, 2002 at 08:31 PM (CST)

Today was the first full day at Gillette, filled with a lot of time gathering information, and adjusting to the new sounds, etc. Jenni is worn out. She seems to be adjusting well though. Last night she had a visit from friend Jeremy and his friend Ben. They came with their guitars and put on a little jam session for Jenni. When we recognized a song by Eric Clapton, the boys seemed excited that they were hitting the right cords. Great job guys! Jenni really enjoyed the time you spent with her. Hope you boys can make the stop again. (If the tour allows it.)

At this point there has not been any sign of improvement to Jenni's spinal cord, nor does she have any sensation below the point of injury. She still requires a ventilator to breathe. Regardless, we are filled with so much hope as we look for just one little sign of improvement, and we are so thankful to have our Jenni in our lives, and in yours.

Sunday, November 24, 2002 at 09:11 AM (CST)

Saturday was an active day early, then Jenni fell asleep for the afternoon. The HHS Girl's Basketball team stopped by after practice. Coach Cos and the team brought an autographed basketball from the Timberwolves. Thank you, Jenni will treasure it forever.

Later, we moved Jenni to a wheelchair. Tessa and Nina stopped by and gave Jenni a clock that has pictures of her friends at the hour marks. Really cool. After about 45 minutes in the chair, she started to fall asleep, so we moved her back to bed. She slept the rest of the afternoon.

Saturday night was the first night since the accident that no family stayed the night with Jenni. We are confident the Staff at Gillette took good care of her. 

Tuesday, November 26, 2002 at 06:36 PM (CST)

Jenni had a great night of sleep last night! She has not slept very good since moving to Gillette. Dad stopped by the Hospital at 7:30 am and stayed with her until Lori and Kristen got there around noon. She was so happy to see us. Jen spent 2 hours in the "chair". 

She had visits from Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech Thereapy, Phychology, and Speech Pathoglogy. What a day in the chair! Jen got a new bed today, the old one had trouble rotating anyway. Pillows, lots of pillows, move our Jenni from side to side on the new bed. She's loving it. 

Wednesday, November 27, 2002 at 08:57 PM (CST)

Kristen writes tonight’s journal entry:

Jenni did not have very many visitors today, but wishes she had more because she was bored and there was nobody to talk to.(Except Nurses)

Jen spent about 1-1/2 hrs in her chair today and had a visit from her cousins Ben and Bridget on their way home to North Dakota. She got a visit from Bruce from the Casting Department and he made models of her legs for braces. The braces will help Jenni keep her ankles straight. She had a tough time deciding what pattern she wanted on them but she finally decided that she wanted Tweety on right leg and Taz on the left leg.

Things are going well and she was in good spirits today. We will update more on Thursday. God Bless.

Thursday, November 28, 2002 at 08:39 AM (CST)

Thanksgiving Day. Traditions. The Macy's Parade, Families gathering, dinner preparation, John Madden's 6-legged turkey, an afternoon nap, pumpkin pie, lefse, a late turkey sandwich, the wishbone. We have much to be thankful for. This year is a little different for us without Jenni home, but we have many new things to be thankful for.

Jenni is still a BIG part of our lives. Jenni still has her memories, her emotions, her Big Heart, and her sense of humor. Jenni is loved by a lot of people, family and friends, and she loves us right back. We are very thankful for this.

As you say your prayers today before your traditional Thanksgiving dinner, sneak a little "Jenni" in there. She would like that. Be thankful on this day for everything and everyone in your lives, and may God Bless you all. 

Friday, November 29, 2002 at 09:09 PM (CST)

Thanks for the Thanksgiving thoughts! Saw Jenni today, she was in a "bad mood", as she put it. She leaked she has been spoiled by nurse Tessa, who is off until Monday. She is still in good hands, but has found her favorite care givers.

This afternooon she transferred to her wheelchair. Neal, (Modifying Man), completed his work. He changed the chair so Jenni is completely mobile; ventilator, food, monitors, and suction. (Sorry, had to leave the two EMINEM posters behind-darn). 

Jenni took a trip to the shower room with her mom Lori to get her hair washed. They could use a hand -held sprayer in there.

Sunday, December 01, 2002 at 11:45 AM (CST)

We didn't forget about Saturday, it was just a busy day all around. Jenni had a lot of visitors throughout the day and they kept her active. Later in the evening she took a trip to the whirlpool bath. This was her first "full" bath.

This morning the RT removed some air from Jen's trachea tube allowing her to speak without the valve. She is doing a wonderful job of adjusting. Now she can speak at will, anytime. Soon they will remove all the air allowing air to pass over her vocal cords all of the time. 

All in all Jenni is in good spirits. Visitors really help, so keep coming when you can. God Bless.

Monday, December 02, 2002 at 07:39 PM (CST)

Jenni has made some very big strides the last couple of days. The Staff has removed almost all of the air,(actually water in this style), from her trachea insert. Picture a small tube inserted into a larger tube. In this case the small tube is the trachea insert, the large tube is Jenni's actual trachea tube. Around the small tube is a cuff, or balloon containing water. Inflated this cuff seals the trachea tube allowing air to enter and leave only through the small tube. Deflated, it allows air to enter the small tube, but exit past her vocal cords.

Jenni has found the joy of talking again-anytime she wants! She's loving it and so are we. She is surely actually talked on the phone Sunday. She called her Grandpa and Grandma Jim and Jean in Arizona, her Mom, her sister Kristen and Aunt Sandy. (We see speed dial and a headset in the near future.) 

Stop by and talk to Jenni sometime, she can't wait to show and tell you what she can do! She is so amazing.

Tuesday, December 03, 2002 at 09:59 PM (CST)

Wow! What a difference a day makes. Yesterday we explained how some water was removed from the cuff in Jenni's trachea insert allowing her to talk...freely...anytime she wanted...and she did...all day...til she was hoarse. Today they removed all of the water from the cuff. She talked, and ate applesauce, and talked more, and drank 7up, then talked about mashed potatoes and how good they would taste, then got mashed potatoes from the cafeteria and ate them, then talked about how good they tasted. What a difference a day made.

It is so inspiring to witness this amazing young lady work with this condensed version of the larger life she had been used to prior to the accident. Jenni is truly one of God's finer children and may the whole world get to know her some day...she would make a difference.

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