Thursday, April 9, 2020

Ventilators Are Complicated Machines

President Trump isn’t making America’s ventilator shortage any easier. He seems to think that ventilators are complicated machines, and that’s why it’s been difficult to get enough needed. Although Pence contradicts Trump and says, “manufacturers actually tell us they aren’t complicated and are relatively easy to make.” He’s also issued a series of conflicting and misleading statements about the country’s ventilator supply and his plans to increase it.

Being on a vent, I know how important they are when needed, especially during the COVID 19 outbreak. Some patients’ symptoms are so extreme, they require a ventilator in order to get enough oxygen to breathe. They are one of the most important tools hospitals have for keeping those with the coronavirus in the most critical situations alive.

The number of cases is growing at such a rapid pace, it’s impossible that many hospitals will have enough ventilators available for those who need them. If this happens, any patients who would otherwise survive their infections could die. In order to flatten the curve, they should ensure that enough are in supply.


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