Monday, April 13, 2020

Update on the Pandemic

At the end of March, I wrote a blog post about the stay-at-home order issued until May 4. In order to prepare for it, people have been stockpiling on everything they can to avoid going to the stores as often (even though they’re still open). This includes everything from daily necessities, food, household items etc. It’s being called “panic buying” and our “brains are being pushed into taking back control in a world where you feel out of control. More generally, it can be understood as displaying part of our fundamental psychology needs.”

When my mom went to the store, she noticed how visible the hoarding of supplies was and texted
some pictures. Luckily, I haven’t had to go to the stores shopping; my family usually does that. Although I have ordered some things online and found them to be either out of stock or take longer than usual to ship. It just goes to show how people are handling this crisis and how difficult places are finding it to restock with the current demand.

My caregivers are now required by their companies to wear cloth masks to work. With the number of confirmed cases of the coronavirus in the US now at almost 565,000 and number of deaths close to 23,000, you can never be too cautious. By taking all the measures needed, I’m hopeful that I won’t get it from anybody. Although there’s never a guarantee with the number of people constantly flowing in and out my house. Also, there really isn't a set date telling us when this will all be over.

Lately, I’ve still been mostly staying inside other than my daily walks with Brody (when the weather’s nice). Otherwise Netflix is my new best friend. Also, I have been finding other creative things to do around the house.


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