Sunday, April 26, 2020

Expect the Unexpected

Expect the unexpected means to not be surprised by an unusual event. Anything could happen, and probably will. Considering all the possible scenarios is the solution for a lifestyle without disappointment. Sometimes we will let life guide us and other times we take it into our own hands. However, no matter how organized we are or how well we plan, something may pop up and steer us in a whole new direction.

As my life has unfolded, and with the way things turned out how they did, I am happy to be alive! My willingness to continue pushing through my personal expectations along with remaining positive and persevering is a testament to who I have become. Making an impact on people’s lives is important to me and gives me a reason to get out of bed every day. I can show others not to pretend to be who they are despite their situation. Do not let anything slow you down and do not impose limitations on yourself.


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