Monday, January 6, 2020

Knee Updates

A few weeks ago, I mentioned the pressure sore under my left knee. After seeing the wound Doctor, she recommended cleaning it 3 days a week with normal saline. Then putting an ointment called medihoney on it followed by a dressing called mepilex. The medihoney has been shown to effectively promote autolytic debridement and wound healing in chronic and acute wounds.

After doing it for a couple of weeks, the sore reduced in size and I saw her for a follow-up appointment last week. She told me that it was looking much better and healing better-than-expected. She recommended to keep cleaning it and putting the dressing on but that I didn’t need to use the ointment anymore. I’m going to see her one more time next week.

Last year in July, I reported that I injured my left knee 3 months prior. Originally my orthopedic Doctor thought that I had a torn MCL, although since he couldn’t find anything wrong on the MRI, he then came up with a diagnosis of a bruised bone. For me, this made it even more difficult because bone bruises take a lot longer to heal and nothing surgically can be done to fix it. Despite the prognosis, it’s slowly getting better with time.

Another negative to this situation is that I still haven’t been able to stand; one thing that helps shift the fluid in my body. Even though it’s good for my body, I wouldn’t want to reinjure my knee. For now, it’s best that I stay off it until it fully heals even though I’m not sure when or how long that will take.


1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear about your knee. No post about the Vikings? The world needs more Brody posts :)
