Monday, December 30, 2019

Winter Update

I’m glad to report that I haven’t been sick since April this year. I had to minimize my activity level a little bit in order to maintain my health. It’s too bad that it came to that, but I feel staying healthy trumps all in my life right now.

It hasn’t stopped me from taking Brody outside for walks. My body can usually handle the weather if it’s 30°F or above; I’ve gone out when it’s been colder than that. I’ve realized that the feeling of temperatures is different depending on where you live. As far as Minnesota, we’re used to 4 seasons, winter being one of them and bearing the cold. Someone in a state who’s used to warmer weather may think that’s insanely frigid.

Although yesterday it was kind of drizzling rain all day and today it’s snowing with wind. My backyard does look pretty with the snow though! I think it’s been about a month since we’ve had some snow here which is unusual for winter weather; same thing with the temperatures being warmer.

Tomorrow I have a physical with my primary doctor. The reason is because I’m having surgery on January 27 to replace my baclofen pump. There’s nothing wrong with the pump itself. The battery in them only lasts about 5 years, and then it needs to be switched out when it runs low. Last time it was checked a couple weeks ago there was still about 6 months left but they like to change it out sooner just in case. It's a good thing the scanner can detect how much battery life is left, otherwise it could turn into an emergency situation.

This’ll be my 4th baclofen pump. I had my first one inserted in 2003 and the 2nd in 2008. They changed it last in 2013. Surgery itself won’t take very long and if all goes well, I’ll only be in the hospital one night. Hopefully nothing major goes wrong otherwise I’ll have to stay longer.


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