Friday, November 1, 2019

Celebrating Another Year

Today marks the 17th year anniversary of my accident. Every year I take the time to reflect on that day. I’ve talked many times about the accident, shared how it happened, and how my life has changed since. The first post that I wrote introducing details about it was in 2009. One thing I talked about is who was behind us when the accident happened.  

I was going through some paperwork the other day and came across a letter addressed to my family from a woman. She was the first car behind us and after witnessing it called 911. Within it she stated in depth details on what she witnessed, how she assisted, along with info about herself. The woman also left her information and at some point, was contacted. I do remember her visiting me in the hospital to see how I was doing.

It brings me great comfort knowing the efforts done by others in helping after. I don’t think I would be where I am today if the sequence of things happened any different. Thank you to everyone for your support and comfort along the way.


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