Saturday, September 7, 2019

Unleashing my Situation

I love writing, especially if it's about me because it's another way to get things out that may be stuck inside. That’s one of the reasons why I have my blog. It’s kind of like my diary; a way to share my feelings even though it’s public. In high school and college I took creative writing classes and really enjoyed them. I’ve always thought about writing a book about my life. People have told me that I have a story that should be shared with the world. I suppose if I look back at old posts of mine I could compile them and it would create a book in itself.

I also enjoy speaking and sharing my story with others. I like to inspire them no matter what happens in life to stay positive, and believe that everything happens for a reason. I’ve said this to myself many times and it’s helped me get through situations in my life where I felt like things are out of my control. This is also how I’ve been able to overcome so many obstacles throughout my life, the biggest one being my accident. It’s one thing having a situation happen in your life and another to actually be able to overcome it when needed.


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