Saturday, August 24, 2019

Follow-Up Post

I want to say I appreciate the comments I received from my last post about searching for feedback. It helped me realize that my blog helps more people than I knew. Also, I don’t always have to hear feedback to know people are reading what I have to say. Just the fact that I’m sharing my story, even if it affects only one person, is very satisfying.

This past month has gone by so fast. I’ve still been doing very well as far as my health. Last month I talked about how my right knee is healed although I’m still having left knee pain. The first time I had an MRI on it, there were signs of a torn MCL. After seeing the orthopedic doctor, he wanted me to get some images to see how it was healing. The injury hasn’t healed any more. He also found that I have some muscle atrophy and my kneecap is slipping out of socket. He recommended a different knee brace than I was using, and it’s been helping with pain.
August 11 was my sisters 30th birthday and August 16 was my niece Avery’s 6-year-old birthday. Avery had a birthday party this past weekend at an interactive indoor play area. The next day we celebrated both of their birthdays together.

Over the past couple of weeks my dog Brody was acting different. He wasn’t wanting to eat at times, go outside for walks, and looking a little down. We took him to the vet, but they didn’t find anything physically wrong. They prescribed him with some antibiotics, pain pills, and stronger allergy pills than he was on before. Over the past couple days, I’ve noticed he’s been feeling better. I’m glad that it wasn’t anything serious.


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