Tuesday, July 23, 2019

One Knee Down, One to Go

I remember earlier this year that I wrote a post about my knees. Based off a new set of x-rays, my right knee is healing by itself very nice. Although my left knee pain went away, I reinjured it about 3 months ago. Despite all the measurements I took and precautions I’m still having pain in my left knee.

The last time I saw the orthopedic doctor, he gave me the okay to stand. It’s too bad because since I started to stand again, it was helping the fluid in my body to shift. But because of my reinjury I am unable to stand right now. Hopefully I will get back to it soon. The Last thing I want is to reinjure it again. Even though it is good for the rest of my body, I’ll have to stay off my feet for a while.

I’m doing well respiratory wise within the last month since my update. I had another CT scan and found that the abscess still needed to shrink more so they put me back on antibiotics. I’m pleased to say that I’m off my antibiotics and have been using a vest treatment that helps get all the secretions out. I wish I would’ve had it all along since it’s so useful. Hopefully between that and other interventions that come about I’ll stay healthy! I’m going back in a week or so to get a follow-up CT scan just to see if the abscess is gone.

Also, since returning home from my last stay at the hospital, I’ve lost about 10-15 pounds of fluid. I think because I was so sick, it was causing the ability to keep my albumin up. Now that it’s normal, the fluid in my body is slowly shifting and draining easily. I feel much better and hopefully it will continue to drain.


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