Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Historic Snowstorm

This is my aunt snow blowing our sidewalk in the backyard!

This weekend we had the worst snow storm in history here in Minnesota. I believe we got at least 15 inches of snow in my area although I know of other parts of the state that got a lot more, and to think it’s the middle of April! We’ve had snow in April before but nothing like this which I have posted about before. They are calling it a "Historic Event" because it was that epic.

I’m lucky to have such dedicated nurses working for me. My night nurse worked Friday night and stayed over Saturday, worked Saturday night, stayed over Sunday, worked Sunday night, and then same thing with Monday. She was able to go home Tuesday since some of the snow was cleared away and it had stopped snowing. Also, the nurse that worked during the day had to leave her car here and had someone pick her up to bring her home. Same thing with Sunday!

I haven’t been able to go outside for a walk/roll with Brody because of it. I think he is having seasonal depression right now because of the weather. He won't even get off coach when I call him which is unusual. We're supposed to get more snow in the middle of the week although it’s starting to warm up and melt so hopefully soon I will be able to. I'm definitely looking forward to spring to actually arrive.


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