Monday, January 7, 2013


One thing that I really enjoy doing is playing games.  I like all types including card, board and strategy games.  Some of my favorites are Scrabble, Sequence, and Cribbage.  I also like to play a few online like Words with Friends on Facebook.  I don’t really like individual games like solitaire; I prefer to play against somebody else. I’m really competitive when it comes to playing against others.  I usually play against my nurses, family or boyfriend Blake.
For Christmas I received a couple of new games that I had never played before.  One is called Quiddler and the other is called Qwirkle.  I like both of them a lot but lately I’ve been addicted to playing Qwirkle.  It is a strategy game where you get points by making lines of either colors or shapes using wood blocks.  Okay I just read that description back and I made it sound like a kid’s game but it’s definitely not-it’s quite challenging.
When I play games with cards in them I use a cardholder that my dad made.  That way I can have my hand spread out in front of me and not have to have anyone hold them.  Usually I’ll tell someone which card to play (or other game pieces) and they’ll help me.  As far as shuffling, dealing, cutting the deck and picking out game pieces I’m totally fine with others helping me out and a lot of times I’ll direct people how I want things done when it’s my turn to do so.
Now that I have my dog Brody, I’m realizing how much fun it is to watch him play games.  Sometimes I’ll direct my nurses to throw his toys for him to fetch.  He also loves to chase after a laser light.  Even when someone puts their hand inside the basket where the light is he instantly looks to the floor.  It’s hilarious to watch especially because he knows where it’s coming from so if they stop he will look directly at the person with the light.
I’m also finding myself going outside when it’s 10°F to take Brody for his walks.  Even if it’s just down the street and back at least he gets a little exercise.  I feel good when I know that he’s getting out; also, it’s good for me as well!  Although Minnesota winters can be very chilly, I don’t mind a little fresh air.  I’m really glad I got Brody.  He’s been great for helping me with independence and getting out of the house more.
If you have any suggestions on games you think I would like let me know.

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