Monday, March 5, 2012

A Well Deserved Break

I am on spring break this week which is earlier than usual. But it is a break well deserved in my book. I've been working super hard on homework these last couple months and am in need of some free time to relax. I painted for the first time in a few months today. It felt so good to do something "for fun" instead of work. I thought about painting something with trees, but decided I needed to just let it flow. Painting helps put my mind on ease and gets my creative side out. I posted a pic of it below.

Friday I'm going to be speaking to about 50 seventh-graders at Richfield Middle School. It may be one of my last speeches as Ms. Wheelchair Minnesota. Although there will be plenty more for me to come, the end of it will be bittersweet. I spoke to the eighth-graders a few weeks ago and that was an amazing experience. They responded so well to me and really listened to what I had to say. The other day I received thank you letters from each one of the students. It felt really great to know that I touched and inspired them and that they will remember me. Some of the letters actually made me tear up just reading what they took away from my speech.

It is times like this that make me realize how important my life is and why I was given the chance to continue living.


"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away."

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