Sunday, October 9, 2011

October Update

Hey everyone!

Hope your October is going well. The weather is so beautiful here in Minnesota. The sun is shining and the temperatures have been in the 80s. Although the leaves are still turning colors and falling fast. I think we might have a cold winter this year.

I've been busy as usual. School has been good so far, but definitely harder than I thought. That seems to happen most semesters. At the beginning of this semester I had signed up for two classes but unfortunately had to drop one. Now I'm just taking Introduction to Kinesiology. It's a little difficult because I'm not going to pursue a degree in exercise science, I just need to meet the goal for this area. But I'm still getting through it.

Thursday, October 6 I was the keynote speaker at MAMES (Midwest Association for Medical Equipment Services) fall conference. I spoke for about 30 min. and then had question and answer after that. I told my story, talked about staying positive, Ms. wheelchair Minnesota, nationals, and also what I want from medical equipment suppliers. It went awesome and I got a standing ovation afterwards! It's great to be able to speak to others and advocate for people with his abilities. I'm definitely looking forward to many more speeches.

MAMES (Midwest Association for Medical Equipment Services) President, Julie Weidemann presents me with a certificate of appreciation for my participation as the keynote speaker

I will be plenty busy the rest of of the month (including my 25th birthday October 19) so I will keep you updated.


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