Friday, September 30, 2011

Taking Pics

When I was at the Walk and Roll at the Mall of America Sunday I handed out pictures of me with my crown and sash on. I already had professional photos done a while back, but I wanted some different ones printed. So last Friday I got all dressed up and went outside. I had my sister, Kristen, take a bunch of pictures of me (78 to be exact). It was so much fun! Although by the time we were done my cheeks hurt and my eyes were bugging out from the flash. Other than that I think they turned out extremely well.

I picked the one I thought was the best and then fixed it up a little with highlighting, filling and shadowing. Then Kristen took them in and got 200 copies made. I definitely think that it looks professionally done; she did a great job! I told her that she should go into photography. I'm lucky to have a sis like her. She's been great through all of this and very helpful. I appreciate everything she does for me. Thanks Kris! I posted the pic below.

She also printed 300 business cards for me to hand out. I think they turned out really well. I love getting my information out there for people to see what I'm up to and contact me.



  1. Ok, GORGEOUS photo of a gorgeous young woman! I love your hair! Take care,colleen

  2. Beautiful picture of a beautiful person! What a great smile!
