Monday, July 18, 2011

In the Newspaper Today…

The Star Tribune printed an article on me in the newspaper today. I'm so excited to share my story with everyone! Glad to know I'm helping so many people. A special thanks to all of you who have supported me and been by my side over the years.



  1. Awesome article, and loved the art work with the pastic wrap!

  2. Hi Jenni.

    You probably don't remember me, but I was your math teacher at Hopkins the first semester of your sophomore year. It was my first year at Hopkins too. I have never forgotten you and I was so pleased to see the article about you in the paper this morning. It was the first thing I read today and I knew right away who you were.

    Even though I only knew you for a short while, I still feel kind of proud of everything you have accomplished. What a gift you are giving all of us with your work to educate people about disabilities. Thank you so much.

    I hope you are able to go to and WIN that pagent. I'll be routing for you.

  3. Jenni,

    A great article! A friend of mine posted the link to the article on Facebook and I was so happy to see that it had been written about you.

    Good luck and have fun when you go for the Ms. Wheelchair America competition next month in Michigan!


  4. WOW... Cindy sent me a message at work to check out the article. You are a Rock Star. It was a great story - with some great photos - quotes. Thanks for allowing His Light to shine through some dark days. Blessings as you secure the national crown - you have my vote and support. - Pastor Dan

  5. Great article. You continue to inspire so many! May God bless you and your family.
