Saturday, March 19, 2011

Just Hanging out

My mom is on vacation in Mexico for the week so my friend Stephanie is staying with me. We've been having lots of fun. Today my dad came over with his friend Peggy and we all played Scrabble. That's definitely one of my favorite games, along with cribbage. Tomorrow Steph and I are going to a movie around noon. I'm excited to get out of the house somewhere besides school.

Hopefully it will be nice weather when we go. Today it's almost 50° but partly cloudy. I think there's only about 3-6 inches of snow left on the ground in our backyard, but in a lot of places there's bare grass.

The other day I sent in my application for Ms. wheelchair Minnesota. It was to to be received no later than the 20th. Sending it in doesn't guarantee that I'll be picked to be a contestant, but hopefully they'll let me know soon. I'm excited either way. I'll definitely do a post as soon as I find out. Thanks for all the support!



  1. WOO HOO!!! :) We had a a blast. <3 ya!

  2. Jeannie, the "Angel Lady" (:March 24, 2011 at 2:27 AM

    Hi Jenni!

    Please let us know if there is a place where we could vote for you for Ms. wheelchair Minnesota!! I saw sweet Carol, D's sister, recently...You two could pass for sisters! Are you on Facebook? I'd love to be in touch with you! Beaming You Peace!
